Saturday, January 8, 2011

So, Do You Want To Race?

We are one week into 2011 and by now, even if you are not a "resolutions" person, you have probably come up with a list of things you would like to see happen in your life in this next year.  Maybe you have had the thought, "I would really like to finish a ______ race." You fill in the blank.  Maybe your blank is a 5k, 10k, a sprint triathlon, or for you crazy people it could be the marathon distance.  Whatever distance fills in the blank in your life it is a worthwhile endeavor and you should put your full heart into completing it.  It will be one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself in your lifetime.  You cannot replace the confidence, accomplishment, & discipline that you will experience in your life as a result of pursuing your goal.  You do need some tips for how to go about crossing that mountain though.

  1.  "I love it when a plan comes together."
    1. There are many training plans out there for helping you schedule your time, mileage, & life around accomplishing your goal.  These are some that I have found helpful.
    2. You can also write up a plan yourself.  For a complicated endeavor such as a triathlon I would advise seeking some help initially because there are so many facets that go into preparing for a 3 discipline event. In making your own plan remember to keep these things in mind.
      1. Schedule one day for speed work.  Generally 25% of your race distance should be your distance for hard speed work.  Even though you aren't interested in winning the event, this type of training will keep you competitive in your own mind and get your heart rate ready for the big day.
      2. Don't do the same thing every day.  If you are going for a running event, don't run the same distance every day.  Have a speed day, a hills day, a tempo day, a long distance day, etc.  This keeps things exciting and new. It also gives you a sense of urgency in your training.  You don't feel as though you can afford to miss a day.
      3. Schedule rest days.  These are just as important as training days.  Your body needs the time to rest and recover from the demands you have put it through, just so you can put it through a little more the next time.
      4. Have one day where you plan your entire week. Don't wait until the night before, something always comes up.  Sundays work best for me because I generally know what the next week looks like and can plan accordingly.
    3. Find a Partner
      1. This should be someone who has the same ambition as you do.  They may have already completed the distance or you may be stepping into this new territory together.  They do need to have the same drive you do though.  Write a contract to each other & sign it.  It sounds cheesy but having something in writing is very motivating.  You are much more likely to show up to a training session if you know your partner is going to be waiting on you.
    4. EAT!
      1. As you begin your training withing a few weeks your body will want to change from using stored fuel (fat) to consumed fuel (food).  You will want to accommodate it.  If you don't fuel yourself well your "machine" will surely run out of  "gas" and this can be very discouraging.  Your excess weight will come off, trust me.  You never want to feel drained and that is almost always a result of not eating well.
    5. Your race day should not be a surprise.
      1. Your race day should not be the first time you complete your race distance.  Don't fall into the trap that, "If you can run 5 miles, then you can surely run 6.2"
      2. You want your race day to be your personal best.  You don't have to have completed the distance several times but at least have the confidence that you CAN complete it.  You should want it to be your best time at that distance.  This keeps your mind on a competitive edge and you never second guess yourself about finishing.
      3. COMPETING is a much more desirable sensation than SURVIVING!
    6. HAVE FUN!
      1. Remember that you are accomplishing a goal.  Enjoy the fact that you are using your body in a great way and getting the most out of it that you can.  Enjoy your success, your accomplishment, & yourself. You will have deserved it!

Let me know how it goes & if I can help you in accomplishing your goal let me know! I would be glad to.


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